Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Compromise Of The Declaration Of Independence Essay

It was a Thursday in 1776; the Second Continental Congress was meeting to sign the Declaration of Independence. In the very words of the document, Americans agreed to the ideas that all men were created equal with unalienable rights; among these were Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The young country, even though there were different opinions and ideas had compromised for the betterment of all Americans. Compromise; the definition is the agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. The country had extensive opportunities to compromise on laws, territories, societies, and industrializations. By 1860, the sense of compromise started to disappear, and America stood on the verge of monumental discord. The Compromise of 1820 brought both sides of the slavery debate to an agreement. In 1819, Missouri proposed to join the Union as a slave state. If Missouri joined as a slave state, this would teeter the balance in the House of Rep resentatives with a greater number of pro-slavery Congressman. In the compromise, Congress initiated a two-part plan; to admit Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state and a new boundary line was drawn at longitude 36ââ€" ¦ 30’ through the former Louisiana Territory separating free and slave states.1 The compromise settled each side for a time, but the sectional and political conflicts continued to escalate. Consequently, after the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), the country neededShow MoreRelatedHistory of the Declaration of Independence738 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿The Declaration of Independence: A brief history The Declaration of Independence is not a formal, legal document like the U.S. Constitution. However, it is often cited as setting forth the principles of the American system of government and used as a defense of the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the American political discourse. While not officially binding like a body of law, because of its ideological and emotional significance, the Declaration still remains relevantRead MoreBehind The United States Constitution1040 Words   |  5 PagesConstitution create stronger guidelines for the new country, but it also partnered with the Declaration of Independence in relieving some grievances of the people. One other important deal that occurred to enable the drafting of the Constitution is The Great Compromise. Without it, we may not have the Constitution as we know it today. Grievances in the Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence was partly drafted in retaliation to King George III and his tyranny. The people had manyRead MoreThe Necessary Evil That United The Colonies. Slavery Is1508 Words   |  7 Pagesall mankind. This is at least the way it would seem according to the very document declaring freedom from England, The Declaration of Independence. According to The Declaration of Independence (US 1776) â€Å"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.† The Declaration does not dictate these equalities and rights to a specific group of people nor does it single any group out, it declaresRead MoreShermans Great Compromise Essay912 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica. According to Thomas Kindig in the article, Signers of the Declaration of Independence; Sherman was one of the most outspoken and persistent members in the convention. In Madison’s notes, he is credited with approximately one hundred and thirty-eight speeches in where he preached strongly about federalism. He proposed what is presently known as â€Å"The Great Compromise† or â€Å"The Connecticut Compromise†. With his compromise, he shaped our government and steered America towards becoming the largeRead MoreEssay about The 4th of July vs. Justice Taney in Dred Scott Ruling1144 Words   |  5 Pagesas the irony and hypocracy, that was especially evident on that day. He explained that this hypocracy aimed at the black population was evident on several fronts, and so, he refers to the fourth of July as the birthday of your National Independence and your political freedom. However, Frederick Douglas never lost hope. Although in his speeches and writing he aludes greatly to the detestable and horrid facts black enslavement, he nonetheless saw a silver lining. There isRead MoreSlavery1001 Words   |  5 Pagesthe North and South were unable to reconcile their differences through conventional diplomatic means. In 1850, the south started to violate the Missouri compromise, push laws referencing slavery into new western lands, as well as northern territory. As a result, a new compromise, dubbed the â€Å"Compromise of 1850† was established. This compromise would include a law that most Northerners saw as an endeavor to extend the southern limitation of freedom into their land, called the â€Å"Slave Act of 1850†Read MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And Independence877 Words   |  4 PagesThe Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is without a doubt one of the most important documents ever to be written in American history so far. It was signed by fifty-six different men, all who were representatives from different states. The person who wrote the Declaration of Independence is someone who we all know and grew up learning about, the famous Thomas Jefferson. The purpose of it was to declare the 13 colonies in America free and independent from Great Britain, getRead MoreThe Importance Of The Declaration Of Independence911 Words   |  4 Pagesyear 1776 was the official proclamation of the independence of the colonies. The film 1776 directed by Peter H. Hunt accurately displays the battle of ideas between Northern and Southern Congressional delegates over the official Declaration of Independence and the task of procuring the document. The process of writing the Declaration of Independence was no easy task, as demonstrated in the film 1776. Before detailing the dealings of the Independence Committee tasked with writing the document, itRead MoreJean Jacques Rousseau And The Declaration Of Independence Essay1459 Words   |  6 Pagespeople should decide how they are governed. Like The Social Contract, the Declaration of Independence is a document that sets out to explain the relationship between a government and its people based on an an understanding of that relationship. The Declaration of Independence was composed by Thomas Jefferson in 1766, and shares many of the same ideals as The Social Contract. The Social Contract and the Declaration of Independence are more similar than different because Jean-Jacques Rousseau influencedRead MoreThe Most Reasons For Becoming Independent1057 Words   |  5 Pagesjust like those and more. Our land of the free and home of the brave would become the independent United States of America on July 4th, 1776. Before the leading battles in the Revolutionary War emerged, very little of the colonists wanted full independence from Great Britain. Toward the beginning there were little problems between the colonies and Great Britain. A lot happened though between the years of 1763 and 1776 that would help push the colonist. The colonist were taxed unfairly and they were

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on Appearance vs Reality in Othello and Twelfth Night

Appearance versus Reality in Othello and Twelfth Night Shakespeare cleverly uses the art of disguise, in both his tragedies and his comedies, in order to employ a literary device known as dramatic irony, where the audience members are aware of something (in this case the true identity of characters) that characters in the play are not. This, of course, creates tension in a play and excites the audience; actions take place on the stage, of which the audience knows the import, but characters on the stage do not. It also creates a setting for a great deal of irony where characters make comments that take on a double meaning. Two examples of characters who utilize such disguise are Iago, from Othello, and Viola, from†¦show more content†¦He himself, in attempts to protect his disguise, stabs Cassio, Roderigo, and his wife. The reasons Viola chooses to disguise herself, however, are to protect herself from danger, and to win the love of the Duke. In a few days time while masked in this disguise, through her wit, charm, loyalty and musical ability she wins the trust of the Duke, who employs her to woo Olivia. In her loyalty to the Duke, though she is deeply in love with him, she makes an honest attempt to win Olivias love. Violas speech throughout the scenes where she attempts to woo Olivia for the Duke provide a great deal of irony such as when she tells Olivia, I swear I am not that I play (I, v, 180). The entire dialogue between Viola and the Duke about the love of a man versus that of a woman is also quite humorous, especially when she, through cryptic language, tells him shes in love with him, saying, My father had a daughter loved a man as it might perhaps, were I a woman, I should your lordship (II, iv, 107-109). Later, her punning almost commands sympathy when while jesting with Viola, Feste makes a quip about her lack of a beard, and she responds, By my troth, Ill tell thee, Im almost sick for one [aside] though I would not have it grow on my chin (III, i, 46-48). It is, of course, also quite humorous when Viola unwittingly earns Olivias affection--for herself, and

Monday, December 9, 2019

Adrenaline Rush by Z100s Jingleball 2009 free essay sample

I have always considered myself to be an expert when it came to music. My friends always say that I’m the only one they know who can sing every lyric to every song on the radio. I guess it’s just a talent I have; I have a great memory. Because music is such an important part of my life, I love going to any concert that I can. The Jonas Brothers put on a show that no band’s concert can compare to, but, recently, I experienced a new thrill that I have never felt before. At Z100’s Jingleball, I was so excited to see Taylor Swift perform that I was shaking every time her name was announced. Taylor is one of my inspirations; I think she secretly writes songs about my life. When Taylor Swift walked out on stage that night, I think my heart stopped. I was so happy that she was singing â€Å"You Belong with Me† on the stage in front of me, I almost started to cry. We will write a custom essay sample on Adrenaline Rush by Z100s Jingleball 2009 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It was such an unbelievable thing to watch someone perform that I look up to so much. Taylor Swift’s music has always fit in times that I felt like a song should be playing in the background, like in the movies. I fell in love with Adam Lambert the moment I heard his voice on American Idol. Many people don’t like Adam, but he is one of the most interesting people I have ever seen. My mom and I blast Adam’s CD every morning on the forty-five second drive to school, and she was totally jealous that I was able to see him at Jingleball. I don’t care that he is gay; I would marry him. I was told that he was co-hosting the concert, but performance after performance went by and he was not in sight. I was starting to get really upset because I didn’t think I would get to see him, but then I saw his crazy black hair behind the stage. I dug my nails into my friend’s arm and started to scream like a crazy person. He only came out for literally one min ute to present Taylor Swift, but that one minute consisted of me screaming so loud that I lost my voice! Just the fact that he was in the same room as me drove me wild. I think music is important to everyone because it allows people to have role models and inspiration for their lives. For me, personally, music is the way I express myself. I write songs every chance I get, and my parents always call me â€Å"Mini Taylor.† Being able to watch music performed live by my favorite artists is the number one way that I get an adrenaline rush.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Women In Shakespeares Writings Essay Example For Students

Women In Shakespeares Writings Essay Shakespeare wrote many entries based on his feelings at that moment. The basis of many of his female characters was brought about by these certain emotions. The women in Shakespeares writings emphasize many of the characteristics that reflect his own personality. Shakespeare bases many of his plays and poems on his moods.It is often said when writers write of what emotional state they are in, their words form the essence of their works. Shakespeares moods, whether dark or romantic, have brought about many excellent plays that still touch the hearts of many to this day. (Kellog 225 -256)An example of his romantic mood is found in his play Romeo Juliet. The strong love between the two reflected Shakespeares love for his wife Anne. The bonds of love drive the two star-crossed lovers to disobey their families in hopes that their true love will unites the mortal enemies forever. In turn it pushes everyone to the edge. Juliets father partially disowns her because she refuses to marry the suitor he has chosen for her. In effort to keep her and Romeos love alive, Juliet takes a drug that makes her seem as though she were dead. (O Conner 69)In the hour of her fake funeral, Romeos friend Balthasar misinterprets Juliets death. He flees to Mantua, which is where Romeo is exiled for slaying Tybalt. Romeo, not knowing of Juliet and the priests actions, believes that story he was told to be true. He then returns to Verona a sad and forlorned man. (o conner 127)Upon his return, Romeo purchases poison so that he may join his true love at the gates of heaven. He arrives at the church and approaches the supposedly dead Juliet. He allows himself one last hug and kiss before they are to meet again. As Romeo drinks the poison, Juliet awakens to find her love dying before her. When Romeo dies, Juliet feels the only way they can be together is in death. Therefore, Juliet falls on Romeos sword so they can reunite again. Romeo ; Juliet is one of Shakespeares most famous romantic tragedies. (O conner 217)Another characteristic that Shakespeare posses and gives to his female characters is religious beliefs. During the Renaissance period, women were very active in religion. They were only allowed to speak their minds in church so that is where the y spent most of their time (sachs 17). The belief of the Renaissance time was that men ruled over their wives, as parents did children, as kings did coutries, and as God rules over all. Shakespeare shows the dark and light side of religion in many of his plays. We will write a custom essay on Women In Shakespeares Writings specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Shakespeare shows the lurid side of religion in his play Macbeth. This play is filled with references to Satan, hell, and damnation (Baker 332). Lady macbeth persuades her husband to kill the king so he can take over the thrown. To get him to do so, she questions his manhood. When he begins to question whether they should do it or not, Lady Macbeth calls on the demons of hell to unsex her so that she can preform the sin (o conner 145 -146). Even though she asks hel to do so, she can not kill the king. She believs that he looks too much like her own father so she sends Macbeth to do it. The calling of the fiery hell helps set the horrid effects of damnation and Satan in Macbeth. (Baker 332) Shakespeare shows the bright side of religion throughtout his play Hamlet. In the play, Shakespeare has Ophelia crying, Oh help him, you sweet heavens! Heavenly power restore him! (Boyce 267). In Hamlet, Shakespeare brings out the allusions of the heavens. In this play, Shakespeare has Ophelia call ing to the heavens for many different reason. one reason is that her father had died and she needed to confide in the angels for guidance. One other reason is that Hamlet denies his love for her. The final reason is that she knows not what to do about Hamlets atrocious behavior. (201)In conclusion, Shakespeare shows many of his own characteristics through the personalities of his female characters. Juliet, Lady Macbeth, and Ophelia each represent an important characteristic of Shakespeare. Through